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Friday Five: Groups September 29, 2006

Posted by introspectreangel in Friday Fives.

1. Tell us about any group(s) you currently belong to. (e.g. book club, knitting circle, walking buddies, etc.)

I’m currently on the Retreat in Daily Life, in which we study the Ignation Spiritual Exercises. My group meets once a week in the home of my spiritual director, J. I used to post occasionally in the RevGals walking blog, but I stopped because it is all I can do to keep up with my OWN blog!

2. Do you feel energized or drained by being in a group situation? If the answer is “it depends,” on what does it depend?

It depends. Did I sign up for this group activity (energized) or was it something I was obligated/forced to attend? (could be energized if the subject under discussion is interesting, but could be draining if not) Is it a shower of the wedding or baby variety, because I HATE those unless I am a close family member of the bride or expectant mother. Note I didn’t say friend. Nope, you’ve got to be family to entice me into attending a shower.

3. Is there a role you naturally find yourself playing in group situations? That is, do you naturally fall into the leader role, or the one who always makes sure the new person feels welcome, or the quiet one who sits back and lets others shine, or the host?

I’m not sure I like to out-and-out LEAD, but I do have a knack for getting the group dynamic cooking when the leader asks a question and everyone is just sitting there waiting for someone else to answer. I like to break that uncomfortable silence with a joke of some kind, and that makes everyone relax usually. And I DO like to welcome newcomers – I know how awkward it can be to be the new kid, especially if you lean toward shyness as I did when I was young. And I LOVE hosting get togethers at my home for family and friends, as their love nourishes and energizes me more than any protein bar. 🙂

4. Handshakes vs. hugs: discuss.

Handshakes at the beginning, if I don’t know the other people in my group. I’m sorry, I just need to know something more about you than your name if we’re going to share a hug! Which means that we can hug at the end of the day after the group is finished!

5. Ice breakers: a playful way to build community in a lighthearted manner, or a complete and utter hell of forced fun and awkwardness?

Definitely depends on the game and, more importantly, everyone’s attitude about taking part. Even when I’m participating against my will, I think the time goes faster if you participate and do so with the best attitude you can muster.


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